President-elect, Japanese PM agree to cooperate in response to NK threat
But whats happening with the Big 3 is slightly different.
Guatemala City -- Conservative Alejandro Giammattei headed for an easy victory in Sundays presidential runoff election.unemployment and migration issues.
Giammattei was making his fourth bid for the presidency.2019 JOSE CABEZAS / REUTERS We won.because that would be too much.
illegal party-switching and allegations of malfeasance that originally torpedoed the runs of two of the three presidential front-runners.The agreement is extremely unpopular in Guatemala.
suggesting widespread disillusionment with the political status quo in a nation beset by corruption.
Running for the conservative Vamos party.where the Taliban maintain a political office.
the Taliban in a statement called on fellow Afghans to boycott next months presidential election and warned them to stay away from rallies that could become potential targets.but the American and allied troops continue to train and build the Afghan military.
The Taliban now control roughly half of Afghanistan and are at their strongest since 2001.The Taliban refuse to talk directly with government representatives.