Here's everything Google revealed at its Pixel 2 event
7 terror attack in the first place.
we aim to show that what unites us is far greater than what divides us.Then she got on her social media.
I was sitting in the hospital literally outside the scanning room.the 48-year-old told CBS News correspondent Nikki Battiste.Whether they were literally helping push Guli toward her goal or running on their own.
and India winding her way through six continents.She said she felt she had let down all the people whose stories I wanted to tell.
Gulis ambition for this project has taken her to the far reaches of the planet.
The 100 marathon challenge was born out of what Guli calls necessity.You say trying to stop this is a race against time? Is it a race that youre losing?At the moment I have to say.
PONTE ProjectPONTE (Pest OrgaNisms Threatening Europe) Project Story produced by Anna Matranga.a 75-year-old former olive farmer.
Villa Cappelli produces about 10.Saponari showed Doane plants which have been inoculated with the bacterium to infect them