Weekend tornadoes kill at least 11, injure dozens in North Texas
shared: During my time with the Youth Union.
These utensils all have significant meaning.head of Ch? G?o Districts education department.
The Bình Ninh Commune Peoples Committee [commune administration] is calling for people to participate in collecting and donating more artefacts to enrich Hi?us collection.Seeing the items from the difficult years before the countrys reunification in 1975 still intact.the water scoop for lifting water from canals to fields.
having only read about them in books or watch on movies.Hi?u got the idea to collect farm tools while renovating his familys ancestral house in 2021.
this model could become a cultural tourism site in Bình Ninh Commune in the future.
these tools are gradually disappearing due to the increasing mechanisation of agriculture.the demand for rice in countries around the world is still high.
low-emission and quality rice varieties that adapt to climate change.who is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
Thailands 5% broken rice dropped to US$570-575per tonne.Son suggested businesses commission research from institutes because each firm has different foundations in terms of rice varieties.