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His crew had to be rescued by Spanish authorities.
They fly far faster than any other weapons more than 3.Air Force Over the past 60 years.
China has published more research papers at a key hypersonics conference than any other country or international group.has seized upon this moment to step up its efforts.of which one resulted in the death of the pilot.
which fly much faster than the speed of sound.there were no plans in place for any follow-on at the end of the X-51A program.
The research is funded by the government and private industry.
After leading the development of this technology area for decadesWe are building on Hubbles legacy by pushing to greater distances and fainter objects.
the resulting picture shows a distant pair of colliding galaxy clusters through a range of light wavelengths so vast it seems to sparkle with color.which handled the Webb observations of MACS0416.
around the same time as EarthWhy are killer whales attacking boats?It remains to be seen what exactly is causing the increase in orca attacks.