Moon focuses on state affairs despite personal tragedy
By the time Johnson took the gavel.
The data is in line with a larger cultural shift by consumers towards utilizing digital platforms for news.TikTok on phone Drew Angerer / Getty Images News consumption on platforms differed by gender.
adding that there is no significant partisan difference among news consumers on Facebook.Facebook is still the most popular social media platform for news consumption.even amid growing privacy concerns that have led to bans of the app on government devices and even statewidebans.
according to survey data released Wednesday by Pew Research.and that growth was consistent across all age demographics.
The most major partisan differentiation noted by the study was that the majority of regular news consumers on many sites are Democrats or lean Democratic.
Nearly 25% get their news from YouTube.This image of galaxy cluster MACS0416 highlights one particular gravitationally lensed background galaxy.
The announcement itself came alongside a handful of images of the Christmas Tree cluster.Haojing Yan (University of Missouri) Mothra is one of 14 transients objects in space that vary in brightness over time identified in the study of MACS0416.
which scientists expect will combine at point to form an even larger cluster.That galaxy contains a transient.