Bon Odori at Senshin on Saturday
which isnt visible from Earth.
(@TruthJustis4USA) January 25.who unseated Liz Cheney last year in Wyoming with the endorsement of former President Donald Trump.
com/Z15YWjSa6y Jesse Ferguson (@JesseFFerguson) January 25.McCarthy is a national disgraceKevin McCarthy has just -kicked out Adam Schiff Eric Swalwell from the Intel Committee-Appointed anti-vaxxer MTG to the select committee on Covid-Established an anti-FBI comm.Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.
Don Beyer (@RepDonBeyer) January 24.The ‘Weaponization of Government Committee (a truly laughable name) is poised to be the modern House of UnAmerican Activities committee—a body that creates rather than investigates conspiracy theories and which will eventually undermine itself.
2023Kevin McCarthy just officially put COVID conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Every LIE about the vaccine will be revealed.instructed civilians to evacuate and said anyone near militants or their positions was putting his life in danger.
5 million of whom the United Nations estimates have been displaced from their homes in the northern half of the enclave said the IDF had dropped leaflets Wednesday in southern areas of the territory instructing people to evacuate.The IDF said incubators with their own power sources were being sent in to help infants who had to be removed from hospital incubators due to a lack of fuel to power generators.
The BBC team was not shown those images.Israel Defense Forces photo via Reuters The Israeli military also released photos of soldiers standing inside Al-Shifa beside boxes marked.