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Biden emphasized the need to maintain peace and stability.
Lumumba remains for many in Congo a symbol of what the country could have become after its independence.After pushing for an end to colonial rule.
And for the human being that I am.Following a private ceremony in the presence of relatives of Lumumba during which the federal prosecutor handed over a case containing the tooth.JOHANNA GERON / REUTERS It is not normal that Belgium held onto the remains of one of the founding fathers of the Congolese nation for six decades.
which is 75 times the size of Belgium.the 60th anniversary of Congos independence reignited calls to put Lumumbas soul to rest.
A man was murdered for his political convictions.
failed plan to kill the Congolese leader.How Medicare drives paymentMedicare.
Every year of work there erases one year of the debt covered by their award.They can do their residency elsewhere.
followed by orthopedists ($573.the United States has underinvested in primary care.