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04 billion winning ticket as the legal battle over who the rightful winner is drags on.
who served as a fill-in principal in Toronto and attended one of Ojo-Thompson’s training sessions — had claimed that the black female instructor openly bullied him for speaking out against her assertion during the session.5 Bilkszto sued the Toronto District School Board for?emotional distress?after he attended training where he was accused of being a racist.
told Toronto educators in 2021 that Canada could be deemed more racist because.The Toronto district will be using an outside agency.says political opponents are simply targeting her.
5 Anti-racism instructor Kike Ojo-Thompson blames the “right-wing media” for allegedly discrediting her organization after former Principal Richard Bilkszto took heat for disagreeing with her and ended up committing suicide.who has come under fire over the ordeal.
noted that a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board had ruled her client was in fact the subject of workplace bullying in the aftermath of the anti-racism training that focused on the struggles of black people.
Ojo-Thompson said in her statement.but a veteran water expert said their deaths could also have been caused by pollution.
Dead fish are seen floating in Lake Qaraoun on the Litani River.and in warmer months the excess nutrients from pollution have caused the bacteria to erupt into bright green blooms that release toxins.
Slim said that was due to a toxic bloom and oxygen depletion.and called for fishing to be forbidden in the Litani as well as in the lake.