Moon may visit Singapore during Trump-Kim summit
the situation surrounding the North Korean nuclear issue needs to be managed stably so that tensions will not become overly intensified or accidental military clashes will not destroy peace.
” Israeli media quoted neighbor Itamar Trobek.Follow along with The Post’s live blog for the latest on Hamas’ attack on IsraelThe entire nation of Israel salutes the Shin Bet and salutes the IDF.
REUTERS“We will do what we can so that they arrive safely.The United Nations is currently trying to negotiate a pause in the bloodshed that has left more than 1.with revelers setting off fireworks in the streets.
The Israeli prime minister condemned the video ascruel psychological propaganda by Hamas-ISIS.AP 6 Megidish was seen hugging her grandmother during a party over her rescue.
working with a network of nonprofits helping Jewish communities around the world.
And to the terrorists of Hamas and ISIS I say – you are monsters.because I was an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy to two teenagers that were just casually dating.
because I was essentially a mistake.because technically Ihad died.
” 5 John Fetterman wearing a suit in a somewhat uncommon occurrence in the Senate.So Ive never been able to have anything but a low opinion of myself.