S. Korea kicks off radiation tests on N. Korean defectors this week
Thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said.
two Americansandtwo Israelis.some of whom were wearing riot gear.
including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.She said Democrats are not listening to the people who they claim to represent.He has resisted calls for a cease-fire.
came under heavy criticism for not immediately condemning Hamas after the attack.She since has called out the militant group while also calling for a cease-fire.
When demonstrations cross the line into illegal activity.
the latest reflection of boiling tensions over the bloody conflict.It is not clear if mental illness played a role in the Louisville shooting.
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.Williams suggested that taking the same approach to gun violence was equivalent to insanity before advocating for a strengthening of national gun laws.
We need to again look at what is going on in our society.we have to help law enforcement to help individuals who are mentally ill.