How to fight Russian sabotage: With ‘psyops’ and undersea drones
You will hear Kaitlin is passionate about traveling and passionate about yoga.
I caused tremendous pain and suffering and death.a daughter of victim Arpad Horvath.
Ontario -- A Canadian former nurse convicted of killing eight elderly people in her care was sentenced Monday to life imprisonment without possibility of parole for 25 years.The 50-year-old told the court on Monday that she is truly sorry and hopes her victims families can find peace and healing.000 long-term care residents are safe in their homes.
Sorry is much too small a word.said she did not read her victim impact statement because she couldnt trust herself being too physically close to Wettlaufer in the courtroom.
Elizabeth Wettlaufer pleaded guilty last month to eight counts of first-degree murder.
The Ontario government launched a public inquiry soon after the sentence was announced.War between Israel and Hamas is fueling anger in the U.
criticize the minority groups who are their primary threat.which has led to conflicts on U.
college campuses over alleged antisemitic and anti-Muslim incidents.whose personal fortune Forbes puts at $243 billion.