Pilot goes on epic rant after political fight breaks out on airplane
so then you f–k off as well.
Now police have arrested seven suspected loo-ters — a 38-year-old woman and six men.making the case for bidets Get 31% off TUSHY’s bidet attachment during Amazon’s October Prime Day Sale UK cops think they’ve flushed out who stole a valuable palace throne — a fully functioning gold toilet named “America” that’s worth $6 million.
3 The toilet was stolen from the 18th-century Blenheim Palace estate.AFP/Getty ImagesCreator Cattelan previously called the crime deadly serious if even a little bit surreal since the subject of the robbery was a toilet.where visitors were allowed to use it as guards stood outside.
“America was the 1 percent for the 99 percent.where it was displayed at the suitably named Blenheim Palace.
which caused flooding at the UNESCO World Heritage Site
according to the judges preliminary injunction.304 before taxes for a similar length of time to Biden’s stay.
7 Members of Congress calling for Thomas to be impeached over the report.In late December and early January.
We consider the matter closed at this time.18 that the Bidens were “renting” Steyer’s home “for fair market value.