Fine yes but did you notice the SECOND-dumbest thing in the Donald Trump Jr. emails?
They bring to light and bring to surface material that needs to be healed.
Deconcentrated Directorate of Culture of Puno A Peruvian man was searched at an archaeological site in Puno.@PoliciaPeru #terna intervino a joven y sus amigos libando junto a los restos arqueolgicos de la poca pre hispnica en el mirador Manto en Puno @MinCulturaPe @CNNEE @ReutersLatam pic.
they found an ancient mummy that was in the fetal position.if youll pardon the expression.He had a large red cooler bag with him.
it was carrying just about the farthest thing from food inside was a centuries-old mummy.Perus Ministry of Culture got custody of the mummy.
identified by Reuters as Julio Cesar.
known for being the birthplace of the Inca empire.Not more24 minutes to explain [to] President Trump that he cant manage this war.
Trump declined the invitation while stressing that he had great respect for Zelensky.The former president has since repeated the claim multiple times.
Former President Trump said that [in] about 24 hours.Trump claimed in a January Truth Social post that Russia would never have invaded Ukraine had he remained in the White House.