N. Korea sends trash balloons toward S. Korea for 2nd straight day: JCS
formerly known as Kaiser Health News (KHN).
My heart is broken for my grandchildren that have no possible way to put this into context and of course we will not tell them that an arrow killed her.The Sauk County Sheriffs Office came out to Wellers property to inspect Pennys body and took the arrow as evidence.
or called the Sauk County Sheriffs Office to say.evidence at the scene indicated that Penny was possibly killed intentionally —?and Weller agrees.3 Penny was a beloved friend to Wood Weller’s grandchildren.
a 21-year-old miniature horse.was killed sometime between Sept.
Wood WellerI was distraught more for what it meant about some persons bad decision and a darkness that somebody had.
Weller — who splits his time between Wisconsin and Illinois —?learned of Pennys death when a neighbor called to say they found the ponys body in a fenced pasture near the county forest last weekSeniors who are currently enrolling in Medicare plans for next year may be confused when they discover that their insurance will no longer allow them to pick up medications at their usual pharmacy.
which has been to demand they accept new contracts with draconian cuts to their payments for dispensing medicines.The pressure on in-store pharmacists and technicians has led to aseries of walkoutsthis fall by CVS and Walgreens employees who say tight staffing has caused burnout and threatened patients safety.
Performance fees have also boosted Medicare patients prescription costs at the pharmacy counter by hundreds of millions of dollars.PBMs sit at the center of the U.