Donald Trump just called his remarks 'boring' and threw away his notes
Speaking at the Security Council.
It was a disgusting hit piece that really shows how low our federal government has sunk to and how we the people desperately need an Article V constitutional Convention.moments after the House Ethics Committee released a blistering report that found substantial evidence of wrongdoing.
Santos announced he would not run for reelection.Santos also faces federal charges of conspiracy.the House Ethics Committee announced the release of its findings that its investigative subcommittee unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that Santos knowingly caused his campaign committee to file incomplete or false reports.
I will however NOT be seeking re-election for a second term in 2024 as my family deserves better than to be under the gun from the press all the time.and continues to insist on his innocence.
aggravated identity theft and credit card fraud.
but I will not stand by as I am stoned by those who have flaws themselves.sloppy and ill-intentioned defamation campaign by London and its allies.
Blanshard said Friday that Yulia Skripal could look forward to the day when she is well enough to leave the hospital.The Department for Environment.
Yulia Skripal said she and her father were both recovering and that her fathers health was not irreparably damaged.Nerve agents work by blocking an enzyme in the body that lets nerves communicate with each other and with the bodys organs.