JANM Exhibit Peers into Soul of Photojournalist Mario Reyes
be built in the building’s place.
leaving the agents to try and defuse the situation.35 Border Patrol agents have lost their lives in the line of duty in that time.
split over how to pay for it Border residents grow frustrated as migrants destroy property.Vargas dove into the Rio Grande to save a migrant but was helpless as the current pulled the man under.It wasnt my job as a BORSTAR agent to judge anyone on their efforts.
and often abuse their cargo while in transit.he had to cope with the deaths of colleagues Staff Sergeant Ricardo Barazza and Sergeant Dale Brehm.
Courtesy of BorderlineVargas was also tasked with apprehending ‘coyotes.
he was shot by a suspect armed with an AK-47.The burial mound is over 196 feet long.
said that dating the ship back that far shows that people had maritime expertise and could build large ships much earlier than previously thought.animal bones and a seated skeleton with a sword.
and was made by researchers from the county and the nations NTNU Science Museum.The area where the ship was found is now the oldest known ship trench in Scandinavia.