An open letter from your pumpkin, which is actually a fruit, not a vegetable
Making you laugh just made my day.
15 before the tentative deals were reached late last month.But the success of the tentative contracts will ultimately hinge on the ability of automakers to keep generating profits as they shift toward electric vehicles in a competitive market.
the union accepted lower pay for new hires and gave up cost of living adjustments and general annual pay raises to help the automakers out of dire financial problems during the Great Recession.the union targeted individual plants at all three automakers.On Thursday the contract had a big lead in voting at Ford and Stellantis.
The closer-than-expected outcome comes as some GM workers said that longtime employees were unhappy that they didnt get larger pay raises like newer workers.The outcome was closer than expected after the UAWs celebrations of victories last month on many key demands that led to six weeks of targeted walkouts against GM.
would dramatically raise pay for autoworkers.
What union members will getThe three contracts.Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon ruled that Polanski must return to California if he expects to resolve charges of sexually abusing a teen.
or Polanski to be sentenced without appearing in court.Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor in exchange for dropping drug.
Polanski pleaded guilty to having unlawful sex with Geimer when she was 13.Gordons ruling follows a fervent request by Samantha Geimer to end a 40-year sentence she says was imposed on both perpetrator and victim.