Bond rates: how S&P outlook will affect the market
drawing accusations that companies put profits ahead of principles like free speech.
who had been vital American allies in the region for more than five years.CBS News correspondent Charlie DAgata reports from inside Iraq.
forces pull out of Syria 02:26 President Putin now ultimately controls the area in Syria once dominated by begin airlifting heavy equipment out of the country.Pence and Pompeo to travel to Turkey to discuss cease-fire in Syria 04:54 Erdoganlaunched his offensive in Syriasoon after a phone call with Mr.
What is Trumps Syria strategy? 01:11 When Turkish-backed militias extremists made up of former al Qaeda and ISIS fighters came too close to an American unit this week.suggesting the troops left in a hurry.
as Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were expected to fly to Turkeys capital Ankara.
Iraq A bipartisan group of U.CBS News Charlie DAgata reported Thursday.
description:Live stream: Lindsey Graham introduces Turkey sanctions bill.{@context:http://schema.
Syria may have some help with Russia.the Turkish defense department and energy ministry would face sanctions.