American Legacy of a Japanese Dancer
” Fredline Valcourt said.
apparent weapons factory in apartment out on bail Roofer offers customers free frozen turkey.about 150 rounds of ammunition.
The Tennessee Highway Patrol’s bomb squad unit was called to the scene to remove the explosives.” Flatt allegedly says in the video.was arrested after police seized multiple explosive devices in his van.
including pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.Putnam County Sheriff's OfficeThe sheriff’s office said police and two special agents from the ATF were tailing Flatt in his white Chevy van after watching his video.
Flatt was charged with possession of prohibited weapons and alteration of serial numbers.
Putnam County Sheriff's OfficeThe detectives stopped the van and arrested Flatt.In the scathing letter to police chief Adrian Diaz.
injuring 12 A veteran female cop railed at Seattle’s leaders in a blistering resignation letter that accused them of running the progressive city into the ground — and turning it into a “playground for anarchists and criminals.“The toxic mix of the Seattle City Council’s absurdity.
“Their priority is playing politics and pandering to radical ideologies.The city also notoriously battled the deadly “no cop” Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone in the wake of the Black Lives Matter and “Defund the Police” protests in the summer of 2020.