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former Superintendent George Parker III.
MARGARET BRENNAN: All right.but our expectation is that Congress will act to avert default in a timely manner.
Congress has acted-- MARGARET BRENNAN: Its still very much a risk?BRAINARD: Congress has acted 78 times in a row to avert default.And Im sure Congress will see its way clear to making sure that happens.he said there was substantial movement in the sense that most everyone agreed that the- defaulting the debt is off the table.
we also are at the staff level.MARGARET BRENNAN: You said talks were constructive.
I would characterize the engagement as serious.
and he said he still thought there was time for a whole deal.MARGARET BRENNAN: You put forward that package actually in 2020.
Thats why Im such a big supporter and the Black Maternal Health Caucus is a big supporter of a mandatory year-long postpartum Medicaid expansion.We have several bills within the package that are bipartisan at this time.
a third in that extended postpartum period.I want to also ask you about what we just heard in the recent days that there were two children.