US-controlled UNC puts brakes on inter-Korean railway inspections
The Nazi emblem is widely acknowledged as the symbol of violent antisemitism worn by the German army during World War II and the Holocaust.
Kim might have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to secure governing funds.the Norths state economic system has virtually been paralyzed.
Cuban and Vietnamese economic development models.based on which he may want to deliver on his avowed goal of making the North an economically strong country by 2020.many citizens rely on unofficial markets for a living.
Beijings active enforcement of the UNSC sanctions has dealt a critical blow to the Norths economy.This could be one thing Kim might be studying.
and this might have added to his sort of threat perception.
he took additional measures to loosen state control over factories and shops.Things will not be settled at the summit itself; they will gradually be settled by setting in a train of negotiations and channels between North and South that will permit other things to be done.
The specialist on the political economy of Korea called on Moon to raise some contentious issues during the historic summit scheduled for this Friday even if they might irritate the Norths recalcitrant leader.Moon should be cautious and be clear that declarations of intent are good first steps but that they ultimately require a foundation in behavior on the part of all the parties over time.
the nuclear issue is a sign of North Korean intent; if it does not show a willingness to seriously negotiate denuclearization.and some initial steps toward dialogue are probably the most important outcome.