18-year-old arrested for fatal stabbing of friend’s 9-year-old brother
huy?n Ch? P?h (t?nh Gia Lai) thì x?y ra va ch?m v?i xe máy do ch? Rah Lan HYep ?i?u khi?n.
Thesceneofafireata150sq.mworkshopofanelectricalequipmentmanufacturingcompanyonSundayafternoon.VNA/VNSPhotoM?nhKhánhHàN?I—Afirehascausedseriousdamagetotheworkshopofaelectricalequipmentmanufacturingcompany.TheblazebrokeoutonSundayafternooninsidethepremisesininTháiBìnhVillage,MaiLamCommune,HàN?i.Smokeandflamesalsoaffectedneighbouringproperties.TwofireenginesweredispatchedtothescenebutpoliceaskedLongBiênDistrictsPoliceOfficeandHàN?isPoliceDepartmenttosendanadditionalfourcrews.Eventuallytheblazewasbroughtundercontrolaround4.30pm.AccordingtothePeoplesCommitteeofthedistrict,theburningsubstanceswereinitialidentifiedaspackaging,containingstonepowderandsurface-coatingfilms.Thefiredidnotcauseanyinjuriesbutextensivedamagetotheproperty.Thecauseisbeinginvestigated.Meanwhile,onSaturdayafternoon,anotherfirehappenedat3pmintwohousesintheresidentialgroupNo17inPhúL??ngWard,Hà??ngDistrict,HàN?i.Thedistrictspolicefire-fightingpreventionandcontrolofficebroughttheblazeundercontrolafteraround90minutes.Thefiredidnotcauseanylossoflife,butdidseverelydamagethetwohousesandbelongingsinside.—VNS?ng ??nh ??n th?m B? ?ào Nha và chu?n b? ky th?a thu?n h?p tác an ninh song ph??ng v?i Lisbon.
B? tr??ng Qu?c phòng Ukraine Rustem Umerov th?a nh?n Kiev ?ang ph?i ??i m?t v?i tình th? c?c k? khó kh?n khi quan ??i n??c này ?ang c? g?ng gi? v?ng v? trí và b? quan Nga áp ??o v? h?a l?c.ng??i ??ng ??u Ukraine ?? ch? th? r?ng.Nga h?m nay (15/5) cho bi?t.
quan ??i Nga ? Ukraine ?ang c?i thi?n v? trí ? m?i h??ng m?i ngày và chi?n d?ch quan s? c?a Moscow t?i Ukraine ?ang di?n ra theo k? ho?ch.M? kh?ng can thi?p vào cách Ukraine s? d?ng v? khíNgo?i tr??ng M? và Ukraine.
?ng Nikiforov kh?ng nêu ly do d?n t?i vi?c T?ng th?ng Zelensky h?y l?ch trình ?? ??nh nh?ng ??ng thái này di?n ra khi B? Qu?c phòng Nga báo cáo v? m?t b??c ti?n ? khu v?c Kharkiv.
?nh: Sky NewsH?ng tin Reuters và The Guardian d?n bài ??ng c?a ?ng Sergii Nykyforov - Th? ky báo chí c?a t?ng th?ng Ukraine - trên Facebook vi?t.2022 file photo shows the Kaesong Industrial Complex.
and vowed to take all possible measures to hold the secretive regime accountable.without elaborating on the details.
saying it will take necessary measures even if it takes time.in February 2016 in response to North Koreas nuclear and long-range missile tests.