Clad in white, Democratic women cheer after nod from Trump at State of Union_MAY88
Both images feMAY88ature hundreds of galaxies.
“We are devastated by the loss of security guard and our friend.Officer Kevin Nishita lived and died exemplifying this Buddhist gatha.MAY88
San Jose Chief of Police Anthony Mata said.He said more than 10 people ransacked another store on La Brea Avenue.crowbars and sledgehammers in the tool sectiMAY88on before dashing off in a getaway vehicle.
Kevin Nishita in an undated photo from the Colma Police Department.demonstrates our core values and strives to help the community in which he or she serves.
We hope that offering a reward will help lead to the arrest of those responsible so they can face justice for this terrible tragedy.
He was taken to a local hospital with a life-threatening injury.Christie said he supports eliminating eligibility for wealthy people to collect Social Security.
as many people relying on Social Security struggle to pay for their medical needs.She advocated for keeping promises to those who are nearing retirement age and raising the age for younger peopleincluding her own childrenwho are in their 20s.
Scott said this would add trillions of dollars of economic activity and billions of dollars to the Treasury.Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty ImagesAny candidate that tells you theyre not going to take on entitlements is not being serious.