Ohtani Puts On Show for Japanese Heritage Night
with participants vowing to mercilessly annihilate the United States.
Multigenerational conversations between concentration camp survivors and their descendants.artists develop an art exhibit on the very walkway that led to their wartime exile.
ordinary citizens extraordinary deeds come to life.For those who cannot attend the screening.only to face struggles of their own.
the program ticket includes admission to the filmmakers reception that will follow the screening.as well as a movement to honor the former inmates by a Santa Clara County judge.
)Shikata Ga Nai (It Cannot Be Helped) (2022.
Also available online from Feb.or what he has called a new school of the Japanese art.
He explained that the type of taiko he performs is experimental.Im just trying to think about giving my all to the performance.
The program offers a variety of vocal music.The sister-city experience confirmed my love for Japan.