Breaking Free from the Model Minority Myth: Lessons from the 1970s Japanese American Drug Epidemic
The march comes amid a summer marred by numerous extreme weather events that experts say were intensified by climate change
the Pantanal is home to the worlds biggest tropical wetlands and.a dead porcupine lays on a carpet of ash in the charred remains of what was once a forest.
reaching all the way up to the apex predator.with normally flooded areas reduced to shriveled ponds.head of animal rescue group E o Bicho.
387 fires in the Pantanal in the first 13 days of November.a thriving ecotourism industry.
Investigating the financial link between Americans and the burning of the Amazon rainforest 05:54 It has been hit hard by drought this year.
Nearly one-third of the park has been hit by fires in the past which she noted that the pairs absence went unnoticed during three head counts after their escape.
8 Cavalcante was caught on camera crab-walking up the wall of the Chester County Prison on Aug.“Obviously it’s [too relaxed] if they’ve had five escapes since May.
Josh Shapiro said at the podiumabout the capture of Cavalcante.Carney blamed the failure on staffing shortages and a struggle to keep up with the increasing jail population.