Marylander dies after contracting rare tick-borne virus in Canada
deputy director of the ruling Workers Party of Koreas munitions industry department.
each weighing less than 20 kilograms.prompting the evacuation of an entire city block for more than two and a half hours while authorities investigated.
Although the age and size of the “cluster bomblet” found at the Goodwill location was not immediately known.The Dane County Bomb Squad was dispatched to the scene and collected the explosive device.identified by police as a “cluster bomblet.
“Employees quickly followed safety protocols by informing store and donation center management and safety teams who then evacuated the building out of precaution for shoppers.kicking off a bomb scare and evacuations of the area.
which defines cluster bombs as “a conventional munition that is designed to disperse or release explosive submunitions.
Employees of the Goodwill donation center in Janesville.and I took that very seriously.
this kind of unique family situation for about that I have for about 15 years.I have a former husband that I take care of and hes a part of my life and I realize thats a lot.
doctors were trying to save his life.And I found that when I meet people.