America's top Google searches reveal just how confused the country is right now
” stating she means “Palestine” — calling him an “uneducated prick” when he notes it is not a country.
Known for its lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife.The situation is completely out of control.
who is volunteering with a wildlife rescue group.with normally flooded areas reduced to shriveled pondsa small group of caimans can be seen trying to swim in the shallow water.
the Pantanal is home to the worlds biggest tropical wetlands and.But this many fires isnt normal.
The situation is completely out of control.and Tai cautioned that the negotiations will take time given the consensus-based nature of the institution and the complexity of the issues involved.
life-saving medication was too expensive for many countries.But some drug companies and opponents of a TRIPS waiver say vaccines are much more difficult to make than the medicines used during the HIV/AIDS crisis.
and after talks with pharmaceutical companies failed.writing to President Biden in March that Eliminating (intellectual property) protections would undermine the global response to the pandemic.