Missed PEPE and PopCat? Piggy Bankster may be the next big thing
6 pointsBidens 2020 margin of victory: +1.
is I was a liaison with our US military to make sure that we were all knitted up and other capabilities to make sure that we were all knitted up together.do you think there will be any long-term consequences from that situation or do you think that weve moved beyond it and dont need to worry about long-term consequences? How do you think about that? WILLIAM ROEBUCK: You mean the decision about the incursion? Yes.
where we did intervene decisively and for very good reasons.I dont have special information about what it entailed.So their contribution to the fight against ISIS was absolutely essential.
With the military piece of the global coalition over the last few years.and then consult with the Syrian people and determine as best we can what what they want.
we were able to turn it around.
the period from the start of the civil war in Syria to when you walk into that last job of yours?WILLIAM ROEBUCK: Sure.many of them - but maybe without a fundamental set of understandings about the country in the way it fit into this region.
I think President Trump was not up until that point really convinced that it made sense for us to be in Syria.moving back and forth between some remote US Special Forces bases where we were co-located with some of our local partner forces in the Syrian Democratic Forces.
So they have a window to do this reassessment.And not to belabor it too much.