New Jersey woman stole lunch money from children, ages 3 to 5, on school bus: police
She said if the sixth test had similar energy to the previous test last September ― believed to be 10 kilotons ― it is unlikely to cause an eruption.
adding they are open at night.ULISES RUIZ/AFP via Getty Images Fortunately.
in the northwest state of Sinaloa.which operates through local gangs.Guanajuato-based security analyst David Saucedo said the Oxxo stores were apparently chosen because of their ubiquity and light security.
home to the cartel of the same name - were either totally or partially burned.The region is dominated by the Jalisco New Generation cartel (CJNG).
the countrys largest bottling company.
Mexican authorities announced theycaptured a suspected leaderof the CJNG.where the seismic activity is occurring.
and if its detected when a volcano isnt erupting.11 after magma shifting under the Earths crust caused hundreds of earthquakes in what experts warned could be a precursor to a volcanic eruption.
The likelihood of an eruption remains high.declared by the Icelandic Civil Protection.