Stark photo could show newly discovered alien planet circling its star
Air India Express said its teams also reached Calicut to support and assist families of the victims.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she had worked quickly to impose the Auckland lockdown measures after first learning about the cases Tuesday afternoon.The rest of the country was moved to Alert Level 2.
New Zealand has been praised globally for its virus response and had just celebrated reaching 100 days without any known community transmission.Authorities had confirmed four cases of the virus in one Auckland household from an unknown source and were awaiting the test results of four more people they suspect have infections - two work colleagues and two relatives of those in the house.restaurants and most businesses will be closed.
Auckland was moved to Alert Level 3 at midday Wednesdayhe told staff to continue filing the kind of unvarnished dispatches that have infuriated China and pro-Beijing politicians in Hong Kong.
A clampdown has gathered speed in Hong Kong since Beijing imposed a sweeping security law in June.
Media mogul Jimmy Lai is seen as he was released on bail on August 12.the Reuters news agency quotes him as saying.
The Association of Clinical Trials Organizations has also voiced concerns that Russias ambition to allow civilian use of a coronavirus vaccine before the completion of clinical trials could put people at risk.saying it was based on years of research for the Ebola and MERS vaccines.
Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin says a coronavirus vaccine developed in the country has been registered for use and one of his daughters has already been inoculated.Dmitriev revealed Moscow has named the coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V.