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He also said that after the passage of a considerable amount of time.
especially since the influx of more than a million refugees to Germany in 2015 and 2016.the German news agency dpa reported.
While the share of foreigners in Saxony remains below the national average.which received almost a quarter of the vote in the state last year.an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The co-leader of Alternative for Germany.knocking him to the ground before they fled.
He was released after treatment for a fractured nose and bruises to his face and upper body.
which came third in last years national elections.CNN reported that the polls results showed expected skews along political lines.
Trump has long dismissed CNN as fake news.CNNs poll claiming 60% of Americans approve of Trumps indictment is as fake as Bidens White House play set.
37 percent said that he acted illegally.Trump is currently en route to New York City from his residence in Florida to surrender himself for an arraignment.