2019 calendar captures face of North Korea [PHOTOS]
The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating to so many.
MARGARET BRENNAN: And we know theres political ramifications.And I think hell leave himself a lot of room in the forward- in the forward meetings to do whatever they need to do.
Is he overstating it? GARY COHN: No.MARGARET BRENNAN: Lets talk about that contagion risk on the other side of this commercial break.to put pressure on other banks.
Thats why we pull all the threads together here.MARGARET BRENNAN: We should also say you also used to run Goldman Sachs many years ago.
So thats why I want to talk to you about banking.
you- it will be more expensive to insure those deposits.Biden and Xi went for a brief walk.
I think if you want to affect change in the Chinese system.if in fact the Chinese people.
and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will now meet with his counterpart when China names a new minister of defense.Biden looks to manage the relationship between the worlds two largest economies.