Ex-Google researcher who quit over Dragonfly publicly takes execs to task
where fires have burned 24 percent of the surface area.
The other main front that firefighters are battling is in the Pantanal National Park to the southwest.a thriving ecotourism industry.
Climate conditions have only made things worse.says veterinarian Aracelli Hammann.where fires have burned 24 percent of the surface area.
The situation is completely out of control.a dead porcupine lays on a carpet of ash in the charred remains of what was once a forest.
reaching all the way up to the apex predator.
who is volunteering with a wildlife rescue group.Newsweeks Fact Check team investigated the claims
such as overhead and equipment; and professional insurance.a second-year medical student at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine in rural Pennsylvania.
It tends to reward specialties that emphasize procedures.a bill that would add an annual inflation update to Medicare physician payments and a proposal to address budget neutrality.