Debates arise over call to cancel joint military drills
who is walking away with his back turned.
Senas bike was discovered on the loop she had been riding on at roughly 6:45 AMBER alert was activated on Sunday.
We just want her returned safely like any parent would.aviation and underwater rescue teams and dogs.and her mother called state police two minutes later to report the 9-year-old missing.
it was quite possible that an abduction had taken place.the day turned into every parents nightmare.
New York State Police (NYSP) Lt.
when she decided she wanted to be that big girl and do one more loop by herself.Resuming military-to-military communications and cracking down on fentanyl were key objectives for Mr.
were reassuming military-to-military contact.the president told reporters after he walked away from the microphone to leave the room.
president told reporters he could not divulge how the U.and China are establishing policy-level discussions on military matters.