Animals are becoming nocturnal to avoid humans, and that could mean trouble
”Before moving to New England.
Maryland and Delaware had high levels of human pressure.The University of Queensland Los Angeles.
Understanding why coastal ecosystems are under pressure can help us design and implement more target management strategies.the senior author of the study.researchers identified regions that are highly degraded and ones that have remained unharmed.
it has becoming increasingly clear that only the wealthy can afford to live nearrising seas.Coastal cities like Miami have a heightened risk of flooding due to climate change.
Wegner said in a release about the study
Our goal is to reduce the number of retail thefts and actively investigate all the criminals involved.were found in the grave of an important man.
would have been sacrificed to accompany the mummy to the underworld.the team also found the bones of seven adults who had not been mummified.
six children and eight adults.a physical anthropologist from Tulane University in New Orleans.