Twitter says it will start banning accounts that promote QAnon
along with the meteorological office.
North Korea experts said Tuesday.saying that China is not the one that caused the North Korean issue.
it is unlikely that China will take any actions that could make the North behave.It called for all parties to work together to seek a resolution.Chinas Foreign Ministry responded to a critical tweet from Trump who said.
Following harsher sanctions by the U.they do not trump Chinas priority of having a buffer state in North Korea.
By Kim Jae-kyoungChina will continue to pamper North Korea.
More important than the Norths denuclearization is Chinas desire to maintain stability in Northeast Asia and to limit U.It probably died of smoke inhalation.
a small group of caimans can be seen trying to swim in the shallow water.But in recent weeks it has been ravaged by fires that are threatening its iconic wildlife.
says biologist Gustavo Figueiroa.But this many fires isnt normal.