A Spectacle of Creativity, Fun, and Chibi Magic_W88
and furtheW88r expand the market.
113 units (up 8% from September).while imported vehicles reached 17.W88
VinFast led the market if its self-reported sales are included.000 EVs to customers in October.In OctoW88bers market share rankings.
bringing the brands cumulative 2024 sales to over 51.and a rebound in the real estate market is also contributing to higher car sales.
Monthly auto sales data released by VAMA.
announced deliveries of over 11.Nhan starts his mornings by buying breakfast and feeding his father before heading to the market to run his stall.
Understanding his fathers sadness.he would look at me and cry silently.
Nhan rarely shared videos about his family life on social media.catching fish for my mother to sell at the morning market.