Seoul threatens end of Kim regime if North launches nuclear attack
but they didnt anticipate the PBMs response.
United Airlines continues to be most to blame for the problems on Thursday.after the severe weather earlier this week
with 766 scrapped across the US.The United branch of the Air Line Pilots Association shared a video of huge lines.He addressed United CEO Scott Kirby’s claim that the Federal Aviation Administration had “failed” his company with a shortage of federal air traffic controllers.
airlines have recovered to a more typical cancellation/delay rate as of this morning.Americans joining the record rush heading away for a long July 4th weekend are being told to “pack some patience” to deal with an ongoing nightmare of delays and scrapped flights.
with Denver and Chicago for once getting hit harder than New York.
000 United passengers have been booked on canceled flights since Saturday.View this post on Instagram ⚡️⚡️⚡️ На Камчатке произошла экологическая катастрофа Инцидент произошёл в районе Халактырского пляжа главной локации для профессиональных сёрфингистов и туристической точки Камчатки.
бухту Шлюпочную.Спасибо.
животные.A report by the state-run Tass news agency suggested a commercial oil tanker leak might have caused the pollution.