Japanese Business Pioneer, Philanthropist Inamori Dies at 90
the best feeling in the world.
let alone a criminal who would try to stay in power with fire and bloodshed.Deadly violence escalates as Nicaragua government forces invade symbolic neighborhood 06:22 Ortega - who returned to power in 2007 following three failed attempts to win the presidency - has ignored term limits to get himself re-elected and packed courts and agencies with his supporters.
who runs a small business in the Managua neighborhood of Laureles Sur.Ortega suffered a blow when the Organization of American States adopted a resolution condemning human rights abuses committed by Nicaraguan forces seeking to quell protests.who helped lead the 1979 Sandinista uprising that ousted the Somoza family.
a scholarship for my daughter.Ortega has rejected demands for early elections and calls those seeking his exit coup mongers.
The Nicaraguan Pro-Human Rights Association has tallied 351 deaths between April 19 and July 10 in the country.
The OAS resolution by Argentina.according to the TASS news agency.
and will provide her all necessary help.One of her former teachers told The Associated Press that Butina initially thought she would follow her fathers footsteps as an entrepreneur.
Butina awaits trial on charges of conspiracy and acting as an unregistered foreign agent for Russia.having contacts with the KGB successor agency FSB.