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Trump Media didnt immediately return a request for comment.
Due to the lengthy nature of asylum proceedings.He said: Joe Bidens administration had lost the ball.
5 Data shows California and New York are granting asylum in up to 66% of cases.for years before their case is even initially heard by a judge.Its compounding and turning into one of the biggest traffic jams Ive ever seen.
The average approval rate in asylum cases averaged 49% between 2013 and 2017 under Obama.has no room for new arrivals and has released over 13.
The next busiest courts are Texas.
5 Migrants who file asylum cases in New York or California are three times more likely to get their cases approved than if they pursue them in Republican-led Texas or Florida.Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
By Choi Ha-youngInternational humanitarian aid to North Korea has been falling in recent years mainly due to tension over its nuclear society was relatively generous to the totalitarian state.
This is mainly due to reduced aid from the United States and the European Union.14 billion to the international community.