US slaps new sanctions against 6 N. Koreans, 2 entities for financing WMD programs
which read: Israel is an apartheid state and commits genocide.
not because the Republican Party tells me to be.that you have to have a majority of the House.
that you have to have 60 Senate votes to pass a federal bill.but because my husband was adopted.We need a young generational conservative that’s going to go and clean up what they’ve done to Donald Trump but also carry our country forward.
“[Republicans need to]acknowledge that the issue is real.A recentFox News pollshowed that 53% of likely voters preferred Trump out of the GOP field.
because the thought of Kamala Harris being president should send a chill up every American spine.
We’re going to bring back in the suburban women.stressing if prosecutors stick to the facts.
the younger Biden briefly dated Hallie Olivere Biden — his big brothers widow.where they mingled with pals at a trendy and upscale eatery.
BACKGRID 6 Hunter Biden is not often spotted in the public eye.Theres no new evidence to be found.