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But dissent from within his own party over its lack of spending cuts or funding for border security required Johnson to rely on Democratic votes to get it over the finish line.The funding bills are often grouped together into a large piece of legislation.
President Biden is expected to sign the bill if it passes the Senate.Congress reached a last-minute deal to fund the government through Nov.House Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled the measure less than a week before funding from a short-term bill passed in September was set to expire.
None have been passed by both chambershave centered much of their investigative focus on whether senior officials in the Biden administration took steps to impede criminal probes into the presidents son.
the Tax Division or anyone else at the Department of Justice.
A plea agreement between the government and Bidens team that encompassed both the unlawful purchase of a firearm and misdemeanor tax charges collapsed in July after a federal judge questioned the terms.overtures since Biden took office.
in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs).and Japan reiterated the importance of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.
We are strongly committed to the complete.urging North Korea to quickly return to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).