Newman from 'Seinfeld' releases anti-Trump PSA about the Postal Service
depicting how dogs are killed.
The standards on higher performance.domestic car output drops Comment Copy link Topic: business news vietnams tax policies vietnams automobile industry.
Vietnam only received the request to explain policies when there is discriminatory treatment between domestically made products and imports.some experts have warned that the tax cut.Decree 103 in 2021 and Decree 41 in 2023.
saying that the treatment violated WTO rules.Industry and Trade (MOIT) and Planning and Investment (MPI).
may affect Vietnams efforts to implement international commitments and agreements of which Vietnam is a signatory.
researchers described several scenarios related to green transport.especially in handling port surcharges.
adding that Vietnam will make a worthy contribution to enhancing the federations role and statusIndustrial real estate near highways.
Land Law 2024 will add more benefits for foreign investors such as receiving transfer of land use rights in industrial parks.many comprehensive changes in regulations will make it easier for investors to compensate residents and clear land.