Arizona’s Sheriff Joe admits investigation into judge’s wife
the company announced Wednesday.
3 A cafeteria manager sorts individual milk cartons at Belmont Senior High cafeteria in Los Angeles.while the US Department of Agriculture acknowledged that the supply chain problem affectsmultiple states.
which bills itself as the leading manufacturer of fresh food and beverage packaging in North America acknowledged in a statement Friday that it continues to face significantly higher than projected demand for its milk cartons.local school district officials told parents they plan to provide small bottles of water or cups of milk with lids if the cartons run out.spokesperson for the International Dairy Foods Association.
but the cardboard cartons used to package and serve it.director of communications for the local school district.
nursing homes and prisons — has forced officials across the country to brainstorm backup plans.
3 The shortage is affecting the companys ability to fully supply some school milk orders.As the waves interact with the ionosphere.
500 pounds of equipment and supplies.The equipment will be tested for six months as a technology demonstration.
it may be used as an operational communications link.Among the equipment being delivered to the station is an experimental high-speed laser communications package designed to send and receive data encoded in infrared laser beams at much higher rates than possible with traditional radio systems.