Chang Concedes in State Senate Race; Min Declares Victory in District 37
her organization provided 300 tons of fruit for animals in five months.
Kim Jong-un impatient with moratorium on ICBM tests.In a press release reflecting Trumps first three years in office.
referring to the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas.warns of new strategic weapon 2020-01-01 10:40|North Korea The Administration has maintained tough sanctions on North Korea while negotiations have taken place.the White House also noted that sanctions on North Korea have not been eased while the two countries have negotiated the dismantling of Pyongyangs nuclear weapons program.
guaranteed volume of American rice.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
presidents top achievements in office.
insists the North first take concrete steps toward denuclearization.but a United Nations statement said the actual number is likely much higher.
Iran is worryingly on the same track as last year when around 580 people were reportedly executed.Iran executed Swedish-Iranian dissident Habib Chaab for terrorism.
making it one of the worlds highest executors.over ten people are put to death each week in Iran.