PayPal: What If We Banned Both Sides_sa88
More recent surveys still point tsa88o victory for May -- but not necessarily the landslide she seeks.
The bipartisan Ethics Committee confirmed what most New Yorkers knew months ago: George Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.He does sa88not belong in Congress.
The House must use our Constitutional expulsion powers.Congress did what it had to do.or they should remove him from Congress.sa88
committed fraud should not serve in the House of Representatives.George Santos to resign 02:50 NEW YORK - New York lawmakers are making it clear they want Rep.
voted for his expulsion believe he needs to be removed from Congress.
Santos responded to the report on social mediaTrump condemning the terrorist attacks in Tehran and offering condolences.
He told state TV that three of the victims are women.He told a group of students that if Iran had not resisted.
where he strongly asserted Washingtons support for Riyadh.Iranian authorities have said assailants were Iranian nationals.