North Korean defectors irked by repeated human rights investigations
Some space debris can move at 18.
The report details how Santos allegedly engaged in a fraudulent scheme to use a company affiliated with the congressman to funnel campaign donations into his personal bank accounts.The subcommittee accused Santos of an array of wrongdoing during his 2020 and 2022 congressional bids.
Investigators also accused the congressman of lying about his intent to cooperate with their review and said his limited responses to requests for information contained misstatements that advanced the lies he told during his 2022 congressional campaign.His conduct is not only unbecoming and embarrassing.000 was used to pay credit card bills and other debts; for a $4.
The George Santos ethics reportThe scathing report could give momentum to another effort to remove the New York Republican from Congress and possibly change the minds of those who have been hesitant to support his expulsion.The full ethics panel unanimously voted to refer the evidence of Santos alleged violations to the Justice Department.
finding that there was substantial evidence the congressman violated federal law and engaged in a complex web of illegal activity involving his finances.
The Ethics Committee investigationThe bipartisan committee announced in March that it had opened a broad investigation into Santos to determine whether he had engaged in unlawful activity during his 2022 1998 and it will occur again in 2031.
The fireballs produced by the Leonids persist longer than the average meteor streak because they originate from larger particles.viewers on Earth may get an extra treat: the Leonids may peak with hundreds to thousands of meteors an hour.
stargazers may be able to view them this year.Lying flat on your back in an area away from lights and looking east should give you a good view of the sky.