Being polite by opening door to police officer leads to Massachusetts man’s arrest
Jean-Jacques Levy / AP Godard took potshots at Hollywood over the years.
Youtube/KHOL 11What people dont see is that I shook his hand after and gave the man a Im a little surprised someones that brazen to come up and hit somebody without warning or without reason.
Youtube/KHOL 11Lewis shared that he committed the outrageous string of attacks to get likes and views for YouTube and TikTok channels.3 Alford Lewis shared that he did the string of assaults to gain likes and views on his social media account.Philadelphia TV news anchor Bob Kelly sported a visibly swollen eye while on the air after being sucker punchedin an attack he blamed on a TikTok challenge.
None of the victims in the viral video fight back after being accosted by the teen — and seem more startled after being hit.people know – or just dont do it at all.
the teen admitted after being tracked down and confronted outside his home.
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“The Janesville Police Department and Dane County Sheriffs Office Bomb Squad responded to the incident and provided further community safety guidance.More than 125 nations have signed the treaty