Saito Named Director of Calif. Conservation Corps
said in a statement on Thursday morning that there are deceased individuals.
Pelosi said he remembered waking up in a pool of blood.According to DePapes own testimony.
Given the ongoing state court proceedings.DePape testified he thought he had killed Paul Pelosi until he saw he had been charged by San Francisco prosecutors with attempted murder.Pelosi from so many across the country during this difficult time.
who demonstrated extraordinary composure and courage on the night of the attack a year ago and in the courtroom this week.He tearfully testified that he became a follower of Donald Trump after coming to believe that mainstream news outlets repeatedly spread lies about the former president.
His attorneys had argued that he was not seeking to go after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi because of her official duties as a member of Congress and so the charges did not fit.
Pelosi managed to call 911 even as DePape looked on.whose campaign released a list of over 100 faith leaders in Iowa supporting him.
On a Monday call with fundraisers.The DeSantis campaign also believes Trump and Haley have vulnerabilities with the Faith electorate on the issue of abortion especially Trump.
42% of respondents listed Trump as their first choice.Faith leaders in Iowa supporting DeSantis disagree.