ANALYSISWhy did North Korean leader reveal daughter during ICBM launch?
and the North occasionally staged naval provocations against South Korean ships.
The area is commonly called the northern limit line (NLL) here.One of the worst-ever inter-Koran conflicts also erupted there in March 2010 when the North torpedoed the South Korean frigate of Cheonan near the NLL.
Seen above is a photo of North Korean officials destroying a guard post near the inter-Korean border area.their militaries will carry out bilateral verification next month to double-check whether the facilities are completely demolished.This is because such flights over the border will prove that both sides trust each other implicitly.
President Moon Jae-in has since held three inter-Korean summits with Kim to discuss detailed plans to realize this goal.Under the Comprehensive Military Agreement.
15 (over the plans for joint drills next year).
stating the drill was defensive in nature.according to unpublished DHS data
under Operation Allies Welcome had applied for asylum.We have more people calling us than we are able to help.
000 Afghans were enrolled in the program.We have an obligation to help them resettle properly and efficiently.